Over the past few years,
I’ve made a transformation from a coach who thought he knew speed, to a coach who’s turned his gym into a speed factory.
I’m bringing in average athletes, pushing them through the assembly line, and they hop off the end of the line as a faster, more refined, and confident athlete.
And in your time with Athletic Speed System, you have the opportunity to harness that speed for yourself.
Question is, are you ready for it?
There’s a population of athletes who are afraid of success.
Yeah, consciously, they want to win. They want to be successful. But deep down, they’re indifferent.
They’re comfortable riding the coattails of more elite athletes.
And you can tell by their actions.
Instead of grinding in the gym, they lie in bed posting things on Instagram like bored, hmu with questions,
Or if they do step into the gym, they do the same weights week after week, like they’re just checking a box, or scratching an item off a chore list,
If you relate to this...
Athletic Speed System ain’t right for ya.
However, if you’re willing to put in the extra effort it takes to pump speed into your step, and you have the mental discipline to push yourself to your absolute limits - increasing weights each week, performing plyometrics with intent, and following mechanics drills with focus - Athletic Speed System will work wonders for you.
And I highly recommend that you take Athletic Speed System for a run: